Sunday, July 17, 2011

E-Learning with the Semantic Web and End User Programming Techniques

!±8± E-Learning with the Semantic Web and End User Programming Techniques


Although there are web-modeling tools are available, it is still a major effort to adapt these tools for teaching. Research is needed to build models to use Semantic Web for educators to create learning objects and models. The search for modeling education should focus on creating a web-based knowledge management to focus, and the migration of simple models that are normally created on tables in a common learningEnvironment.

What to do with the development of technologies in the broad sense of the Semantic Web and Web 2.0, there are ways to create a highly interactive web-based learning environment. The constructivist approach to the problems of understanding is to learn about them through modeling. This approach can therefore end-user programming techniques are used in combination with the investigation, an environment for non-programmers to offer their problems model. Viewing andInteraction provide feedback quickly, which is to model a strong representation of the environment.

Many people would like greater use of information technology to do, but by the need to learn languages ​​when they are hindered to interact seamlessly with the software. Instead, they use certain functions that are provided to them is limited. Another limitation is the cost of the software, and it is important to develop free software and of promoting a community of end usersThe developers and enthusiasts.

The goal should be a software development environment, people who can create and customize your software solution. This is an alternative to providing the software as a finished product that can not be changed. The e-learning software can be customized without programming knowledge.


The Semantic Web infrastructure modeling can be set up to be the basis for future research in learning systems. To achieve this goalGoal is important for applications that support the model and to examine critically. The system we used for Engineering, a skeptical public, who see their jobs poorly paid and dirty, "the House of Lords Committee on Science and Technology Science and Society Report" [1], and away from the public [could promote 2] . The purpose of this research is to try to bring together the areas of e-learning, the end-user programming and the Semantic Web.

Why EngelbartAugment [3] There have been attempts to create ways to have a learning aid. Papert [4] and Smith [5], built on finding a method to increase the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), e-learning can be used to develop. These systems have been defined before the Semantic Web. Now it is important to review and apply that research with the Semantic Web / Web 2.0 tools and techniques. Some examples are [6], more information on the history of the final program is available[7].

Mechanisms of Web 2.0 [8] applications include Google Spreadsheets on the Web [9]. These applications are becoming increasingly popular, and offer modeling capabilities over the Web, the use of Web 2.0 for law and order in [10] is investigated. The advantages of open source collaboration are good because it allows researchers to cooperate and work together where they share an interest, but also allows the untapped potential of those who have not developed an official researchLocation. This includes students, people outside of academia used, retirees and amateurs who have useful experience. Astronomy has used this skill as very different people, make new discoveries. The know-how provided by either party to apply feedback on the usefulness, or the simple use of the software, as well as effective participation in the development of software. This means that feedback would be sought by users of the software, even if notSoftware experts. Researchers would benefit the community through education and online tools for libraries. This differs from other open source community because the intention is to use the software more easily and to develop, and so are those previously unable to participate in the development of the software.

An e-learning and modeling tool could be, experts in science, engineering, systems modeling, computing, web development and human computerInteraction. In every village there are probably many researchers are studying a different portion of a corresponding general topic, such as Web-based applications. This means that there is a need to coordinate to support researchers, associates in computer science and engineering in a collaborative project on information management and visualization for modeling and decision making.

Many people who are experts in their fields to create software models. Scaffidi et al [11] show that for most people to develop the softwareEnd users are not professional programmers. End-user programming is particularly important to enable this research to people who do not have to create a background of programming for their educational tools. Semantic Web tools and techniques are used to create a web-based end-user programming environment, these goals also explained in [12]. People can then create their own software. This software may be that the interactive visual information modeling. Thiscorresponds to the type of work normally carried out with tables and web publishers' modeling for knowledge management.

Semantic Web / Web 2.0 Tools

The need is an alternative way of representing these models, which are no longer the user to write code. The instrument has been created, they need to interact and modify models and educational information to share with others. This project may be using the editing tools such as wikis [13] [14] [15], blogs and semanticsWeb editors [16] [17] [18], discussion and explanation of the models allow.

There is an urgent need for Semantic Web tools to take advantage of this technology can show show for training, "EASY ': The Association for the Education Semantic Web" [19] explains this need. Some Semantic Web tools are available, can be explained by simple and Jena User Conference [20] and is currently under development, but are still difficult for people to use as they need a lot ofSkills development. Reas (the repository for ease of learning units) [21] provides a way to find and create educational materials for industrial applications of Semantic Web technologies.

It is the central problem that allows an infrastructure of the Semantic Web, which are the basis for future research in learning systems. To achieve this, a modeling environment possible for people to adapt their models. This environment can be opened with a standard languageas XML (eXtensible Markup Language). Given the high value of this infrastructure would depend on tools developed to help the user interface and provide a user interface management. For this reason, such tools should be used Protégé [13], Amaya [16] [17] [18]. Until recently, XML was used to display information and programming languages ​​used for the actual code. Semantic languages ​​such as XML, software development and information will be usedPerformance, as they provide a vision of higher-level statement of the problem. Semantic Web technologies to use, because they facilitate computer-mediated communication. Berners-Lee calls the Semantic Web as "a network of data that can directly or indirectly, be processed by machines" [22]. Flexibility is important when several people are not equal with the systems. To achieve this flexibility as an open standard ontology language OWL (Web Ontology Language) [23] can be used.OWL can use SPARQL [24], because it is based on RDF (Resource Description Framework) / XML, and can be searched and use XQuery [25] and XForms [26].

End-User Programming

An end-user programming project could include cooperation with the Institute for End User Computing (IEUC) [27]. Other End-User Programming Consortium to End Users Shaping Effective Software (EUSES) [28] and the network of excellence for development with the end user (EUD.Net) [29]. An end-userUse the programming environment Transformation Programme '. "Transformation program allows you to write, in a presentation or translation into another language. This is particularly useful for independent programming language, or high end-user programming, then in a language more easily to the computer systems can be understood to be translated. This research is explained by the theory of constructivism in [30] and concerns the use of the logo for the class [31] and [32]. ThisThe research could focus primarily on the Web environment, as this allows the financial support and distributed modeling and learning [30].

Computer Human Interaction

The use of the Semantic Web is a means to open standard representation of learning materials, the transformation in different representations, as required, and be for the provision of a higher-model as a tool for creating and translation of learning objects. In order to achieve this is to create aTranslator, the schematic representation of a problem in e-learning objects converted. Translations in any language or meta-programming language or an open standard data representation language may be carried out, could create the view of the model that are displayed on the Internet. A two-way translation between humans and computers and between different software environments are needed. This definition is used by Simons and Parmee [33] explained the goal of "a kind of action that occursas two or more objects have an effect on each other. The idea of ​​a two-way effect is essential to the concept of interaction, as a kind of causal opposite effect. "

This communication strategy improves the end-user programming, exchange of information and education of users and computer software. The analogy to educate the software to do what the user wants is programming by demonstration in the "Watch What I Do: Programming by demonstration" [34]. The userhas the role of educator software as an apprentice to learn what it takes effect. Students are then able to use the software program, and so dependent solutions, using an adaptive modeling tool. Training is therefore a reciprocal process of learning the user's computer-based learning software and the software to do what you need. In order to understand the models and objects of e-learning, it is important to display them and allow interaction. The displaycan be represented in different ways. Two examples are: to be (which can be different colors to represent different types of information) and shaped like a tree as an interactive SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) diagram of a component. SVG is an XML-based syntax can be investigated and modeled as such. The examples show a tree-based representation of engineering components [35], and as a tree-based representation in a schematic representation of interactive [36] converted. The transformations are performedtaxonomy of a presentation of information in many different views and presentation software. This process is an abstract representation of a problem of creating a concrete model using two-way communication between the user and the modeling tool.

Highly interactive pages, such as programs that can act to provide a user interface are used for interactive user-driven programming environment to win. These websites are interactive visual basicProgramming languages ​​such as Alice [37]. Interactive Web applications can also help with scripting languages ​​such as AJAX and XML-combinations (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML), a general term for the techniques is to create interactive Web pages. Ajax techniques for creating interactive Web-end models will be familiar with computer programming tasks in support of the Internet [38].

Modeling Collaboration

Chicken [39] and Paterno [40] both explain that alternatives tocurrent approach to software development is required. The need is intended to translate from a model based visual representation of software users. Johnson explained [41], which requires the interaction of success requires mapping between the levels of abstraction and translation between the abstraction levels of users and computers is difficult. He explained that this problem often means the systems are created, the user is finished with problems of translation errors. The representation ofRules and information can be represented schematically. And 'possible to describe algorithms based on concrete examples, not abstract. Models must be constructed and displayed, so that they provide users with a representation of a problem that supports their vision of it. This topic has been studied in [42] and is the basis of our visualization techniques to create users and to understand, to allow models to be implemented in the representations of the software.

Benefitsthis research are: -

- Creation of an open standard on-line e-learning, which is also for non-programmers.

- Enable the creation of e-learning objects by non-programmers.

- Activation of wide dissemination and exchange of models on the web.

- Provide an educational resource for students, scientists, engineers, software developers, art and business.

- Provide greater user participation in e-learning development costs and time involvedfor this development, and greater production and use of teaching aids.

- Availability of e-learning and interactive visualization of learning objects in a much larger scale with browser-based software.

- Enabling more people to the program.

- Provide opportunities for people currently outside the formal education systems.

This research can read the gap between men and computers, and e-learning software development. This allows a practical representation ofUse the end-user programming, and semantic web technologies could provide for e-learning.


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E-Learning with the Semantic Web and End User Programming Techniques

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